Operation ========= Software -------- .. note:: Make sure you have installed the control software as described in :ref:`Software Commissioning`. Using multiple USB-SD-Muxes on a single host is considered a common use case. Thus, it is a good practice to access a USB-SD-Mux via the ``/dev/usb-sd-mux/id*`` symlinks created by the provided udev-rule. The following examples are based on a USB-SD-Mux with the ID 000000000101. If you have set up the ``udev`` rule to grant access to the USB-SD-Mux control interface to your current user, you should be able to use it as shown below. Otherwise you may need to use the ``sudo`` command. * To multiplex the Micro-SD-Card to the :term:`DUT` .. code-block:: bash $ usbsdmux /dev/usb-sd-mux/id-000000000101 DUT .. important:: The *card insertion detection* signal on the DUT's SD card controller is not toggled, when you switch into DUT-mode on the USB-SD-Mux. Therefore, you either need to signal this to the DUT externally or simply power-cycle the DUT. * To multiplex the Micro-SD-Card to the host: .. code-block:: bash $ usbsdmux /dev/usb-sd-mux/id-000000000101 host * To disconnect the micro SD card from :term:`DUT` and Host: .. code-block:: bash $ usbsdmux /dev/usb-sd-mux/id-000000000101 off * To get the current status of the USB-SD-Mux: .. code-block:: bash $ usbsdmux /dev/usb-sd-mux/id-000000000101 get off .. note:: The default state of USB-SD-Mux is off. The block device of an USB-SD-Mux is symbolically linked as ``/dev/disk/by-id/usb-LinuxAut_sdmux_HS-SD_MMC_*-0:0`` Tool Integration ---------------- The `labgrid `_ project has support for the USB-SD-Mux. See labgrid's `documentation `_ for more details.