The USB-SD-Mux is designed to make life easier for embedded software engineers by automating the transfer of an SD card between a host-pc (deploying a new software image to the SD card) and an embedded board.

The USB-SD-Mux is designed to fit into the micro SD slot of an embedded device while simultaneously being connected to a host PC via a micro USB cable. Our Python based control software then allows access to the micro SD card plugged into the Mux either to the host or to the embedded device.

  • Automated swapping of micro SD Cards
  • Remote working infrastructure
  • Test automation
  • Micro-SD cards
  • Python 3
  • Linux (Kernel 4.* or newer)
  • labgrid

While developing the USB-SD-Mux the integration to labgrid was one major use case in mind. Hence, the USB-SD-Mux is intended to allow for automated testing of embedded devices, making it a great tool to improve software quality.


The USB SD Mux does not always work reliably at high bus speeds (DDR50, SDR104), as used by some current embedded processors. A successor that addresses this issue is already in development and should be available in summer 2024.

Our Commitment to Quality

This device is manufactured in Germany. Each device is put into operation and tested by hand by Linux Automation.